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9/23/2002 8:19:57 PM
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meaning of life~
附註:searching for the meaning of life~

What is life? It seems to us that life is a very big word , and we could not seek its true meaning , we could be able to look up the dictionary for a definition, but it is just a broad definition which doesn't come down to the core of the question. In my point of view, I believe that everyone has a purpose for living ; for existing ,a purpose that we have to search for deep inside our hearts, to reach out for the answer. We are always busy on the things we think as important in life(actually they are just small bits and pieces which are non-essential compare with our big purpose)-working day and night to amend our current life or studying so hard to attain straight As in your exams in order to impress others and get into a good University ( everyone is tiring and stressing out themselves without getting down to their big purpose) . And we eventually forget to take time to look deep inside us , to hear the true will of ourselves which is embedded deep in our hearts.

Have you ever questioned yourself why are you brought to this world ? Why are we putting so much effort in work and school everyday ? What for ? For money? For our future? For our next generation ? Or for a better life with all the luxuries you dreamt of ever since you were young? Ever since we had senses , parents, teachers , relatives and people around us is telling us that we have to study hard , we have to attain good results to get into a good University , get a good job and earn a high salary . Parents gives their children pressure by pressing them to study hard , teachers only like the students with good results , everyone around the children only talk about what is good , comparing this child with another . Parents even force their children to learn musical instruments, languages and things they consider useful to the child's future , and make them practice these things for hours everyday . When the children ask their parents why do they have to do all these things over and over again , their parents would tell them they are doing this/these for their own good , and say that they would not understand all the contribution and hardship now , but when they have grown up , they will certainly understand and be grateful to them for doing all these for them.

We judge others with the Earthly standard which is by what they have---straight As, money , property, luxuries such as Benz, jewllery etc , but we never look at whom they are inside (the true side has always been ignored , the personalities are always not what we consider) .We only look at the outside of everything, similarly , we would only pick on the faults of others without looking at our own faults , we look at other people's status and our own status , and we consider reputation only. Can't we just think of every action we take , judge them with the right morals before we judge others ? The society measures people with how much money they have or their academic results( which reflects their ability to make money in the future) . What are we? Are we just money makers ? Are we just slaves of money and fame ? Why are we bounded to these human standards and loss ourselves in these illusions ? Are we really living persons? Why do we have to categorize people into groups---useful or useless, rich or poor, smart or dumb ?

We are made to do what the world consider as good, since we were a child . We always have to be the best, to be first and stand high up on top of everyone. Perhaps the will for power has carved us into what we are, we are starved with strong will and deeds which make us thirst to become the best of the best . We put all our time and effort to satisfy others and the world.What good amid these?

Are we really living for the sake of living ? Are we living for the sake of survival of the fittest ? Are we living because only the strong remain and the weak is outcasted ? If this is so, what is the difference between the living and the dead ? What is the difference between walking around breathing and lying deep underground ?

Why do we have to gain status? Why do we have to lie in state?Why do we want people to remember us after our death? Why do we feel secure with people looking up to us? As time goes by, people will forget about you,even though you were once important , like Lady Diana , she was once loved by the world, but a few years after her death , people is starting to forget her , she is considered less important in life for the people.

What is the meaning of your life? Is it to do what other people want you to do? Is it to live a life other people has planned for you? Is it to satisfy everyone without satisfying yourself ? That is not life , that is only slavery. So what is life? Life is to live a life that you want , to carry out the role you were given long before you were born, to complete your purpose on this Earth, and then return to the ground . Life is to do something meaningful , to do something that would amend this world, to make it a better place to live in , to stay away from corruption , to avoid to judge others by human standards , to carry out your own will , and not wander around pointlessly and carry out other people's will . A life lived in fear and slavery is a life half lived. Listen to the voice of truth in your heart , and not to the voices of the people around you. Do not be a slave of the earthly standards, but be yourself.

We always know that doing what others told us is winning over the world, but we do not know that we are losing ourselves and losing in front of the Almighty.We compete and whip up hatred among each other in the process of gaining status,fame and everything that others appreciate and feel satisfy with . Why can't we live a down to earth life, and just do everything according to our own will? Why can't we take every action with love? Why can't we give hope to others? Why can't we have faith in others ? Are we either on the same team to fight for power or enemies which are competing to climb up high?

Think deep, the choice has always been open to you , why don't you take the opportunity to choose? Why do you have to regret when you look back at your old age and discovered that you have not lived ? Do remember to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, and put to rout all that is not life , don't bear the chance to regret at your old age when you discover that you have not lived a life that you always dreamt of . Live a meaningful life , carry out your purpose and live according to your will, for you can only live once in a lifetime, and you can't turn back the time to change what has happened. What has happened has happened, we cannot alter the past , for reality is always reality.


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